What comes with it ?

• the smart personal safety alarm
• a keyring

How big is the alarm ?

The dimensions of the alarm are 10.7" x 3".

How loud is the alarm siren ?

130 decibels, comparable to a jet engine flying 100 feet above you.

Where can I buy the alarm ?

The alarm is available exclusively on our online store.

How do I test drive the alarm ?

• This tool is most effective if you practice using it. Please, try it now, the experience will prepare and empower you.

• To activate the alarm, pull the removable top pin from the body. 

• The alarm will emit a piercing 130db sound; the light will flash. Keep the speaker uncovered and face it toward your target.

• To stop the alarm, replace the top pin into the body.

How long do the alarm last before charging ?

Alarm activation will last for approximately 40 continual minutes before you need to charge it.